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   Ético offre des soins de la peau naturels, à base de plantes, véganes et éco-responsables. Chaque produit cosmétique est créé en se basant sur la fine pointe des innovations scientifiques de l’industrie des soins naturels. Nous offrons des produits variés, mais plus spécifiquement des soins du visage et du corps pour les peaux matures et/ou réactives.


The story began 6 years ago following a skin reaction caused by the use of commercial laundry detergent. I then started making my own laundry detergent, which I still do to this day! Loving good smells, I researched to find aromas that would not give me reactions and that would not harm the environment. Passionate about making products, I started making non-irritating and effective deodorants and by word of mouth I started getting orders, that's how the adventure began. Feeling that   I needed to do something more for the environment and animals Ético was born in late December 2021. We believe in a better future for all beings on our planet. Ético puns for ethical and ecological.

One gesture at a time.

The story began 6 years ago following a skin reaction caused by the use of commercial laundry detergent. I then started making my own laundry detergent, which I still do to this day! Loving good smells, I researched to find aromas that would not give me reactions and that would not harm the environment. Passionate about making products, I started making non-irritating and effective deodorants and by word of mouth I started getting orders, that's how the adventure began. Feeling that I had to do something more for the environment and the animals Ético was born at the end of December 2021. We believe in a better future for all beings on our planet. Etico puns for ethical and ecological.
One move at a time.

Etico la propriétaire

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Our mission is to offer high quality, vegan products that are safe for the skin and the environment. Our products are plant-based and lovingly made from natural ingredients here in Montreal, Quebec.

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